Russian History
Multimedia Course
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Russian History: XX century

Russian History: XIX сentury


History of Russia: the 20th century
Multimedia guide is a combined edition including a DVD course, booklet and on-line service. It at the same time is an interactive multimedia self-instruction guide, visual tutorials library, record library, reader, atlas, exercise book, history encyclopedia, design tool (it allows to create illustrated student papers - summary, abstract, research project, presentation and more). The course may be studied at three levels allowing for different thoroughness: 9th year of the secondary school, basic level of the comprehensive school, profile level of the comprehensive school. It may be used both in the classroom and at home. Key element of the course are 278 interactive multimedia lectures - virtual "picture-lessons" (sound animations, video fragments, photos, pictures, engravings, drawings, facsimile, changing schemes, diagrams, animated cards).   High degree of multimedia facilities of the electronic course is designated to guarantee a stable interest to studies, to create during studies an effect of emotional immersion into the epoch, to guarantee a deeper retention of the educational material through imaginative comprehension and emotional action. Sound information comprehension and synchronized dimensional, primarily graphic, images make the multimedia electronic courses much more ergonomic as compared to "hypertext" and "hypermedia" ones requiring permanent text reading from the display screen. You will not be able read the multimedia guide superficially, to go through the pages without comprehension. Any moment teachers and parents may see what the student is studying, what is the mark, which topics were learnt poorly. The course is permanently improved, you do not have to wait for a new issue, the program itself prompts periodically to load down updated versions and install them on the hard disk.   Product Image  
History of Russia: the 19th century
The multimedia course consists of a textbook in two parts (included in the federal list), an electronic course for 4 DVDs and a methodical manual for teachers. The text of the textbook is unusual: the traditional form of the author's monologue alternates with the dialogues of the virtual "teacher" and his "apprentice students", and sometimes sharp discussions begin to take place between them. This drama reception allows you to submit educational material more interesting and emotionally. Virtual "teacher" and other characters say not "academic-book" language, but "live", colloquial. The textbook is both an album and an atlas, it contains more than 600 reference illustrations (charts, diagrams, maps, collages, etc.) that are clearly tied to the text, most of them specially developed for the multimedia course. Three levels of complexity of the electronic course allow you to organize individualized training: the first level corresponds to the program of the 8th grade; On the 2 nd and 3 rd - we recommend to engage in high school students (including profile classes) wishing to fundamentally prepare for the passing of the USE. Multimedia course is designed for independent work at home (as a self-study guide), and for use by the teacher at the lesson. A high level of multimedia e-course will allow it to be effectively used in lessons as a library of visual aids. For this, the course materials are presented not only as integral multimedia lectures, but also as separate "bricks" (digital do-it-yourself designer). IUMK can be successfully applied even by teachers whose office is not equipped with a computer. In this case, the emphasis is on the independent work of students with an electronic course on home computers. The electronic course contains: 153 interactive multimedia lectures with a total sound duration of more than 14 hours; More than 11 thousand illustrations (reproductions, collages, photographs, facsimile, diagrams, charts, maps); More than 850 fragments from the movies; More than 170 animations. The encyclopedic block includes: a detailed chronology, a terminological dictionary, more than 700 personalities, more than 60 maps, a record library (more than 80 entries), a full-text search system.
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