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11. Photo.

Therefore, the State Committee for Defense was constrained to enact the state of siege.
12. Photo.

In the first days of November the German offensive was stopped at almost all sections. The enemy failed to take hold of Moscow immediately and thus to win victoriously the war in the East.
Note:At this point the line is running on the screen: "See Document (Speech by J.V. Stalin)". If the student interrupts the lecture and calls for the document, he will able to hear the fragment of recording from the parade of November 7, 1941. At the same time the painting by K. Youon "The Red Army Parade of November 7, 1941 in the Red Square" will be shown."
13. Video.

But the Hitlerits did not reconcile with the failure and did not give up their intention to seize the Soviet capital. They hurried to be bringing up their reserve and regrouping troops for the decisive attack.