Page 1 of 7 The following sequencing provides an some information about one of 278 multimedia lectures that form the main contents of the course. This six-minute lecture (sub-paragraph) is an average both in terms of duration and density. The sequencing does not provide a full information about the lecture as it presents only the keynote appearances (phases, sequences) and does not present all phases of animated schemes, diagrams, and maps, as well as does not describe special effects, used in the change of sequences.
Sub-paragraf # 31-4. Battle near Moscow
1. Map.

Fierce resistance of the Red Army near Smolensk, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa and at other sections of the front did not let the German command realize its plans and seize Moscow before the autumn season of bad and slushy roads. Only after defeating the troops of the South-Western front as well as encircling and capturing the Kiev group of Soviet army were the Germans able to start preparations for the seizure of Moscow.
Note:Only the last of the three appearances of the animated map is presented here.
2. Video.

Hitler decided that he would personally lead the operations in the Eastern front. A quote from his directions: "Moscow must be encircled in such a way that not a single resident should be able to leave it. Moscow will be flooded and made a huge sea." The operation for the seizure of Moscow has been coded as 'Typhoon'.
When the video fragment is ended, the line will run on the screen, saying "see Document". If the student interrupts the lecture at this point and calls for the document, the textual document # 8 "Hitler on the destiny of Moscow" would appear on the screen.".
3. Scheme.

In order to realize this plan, the German command managed, along the vectors of main strikes, to provide for its impressive superiority in manpower and weapons - so, they had 3-3.5 times as more of infantry, 5-6 times as more of tanks, and 4-5 times as more of artillery. Also, they continued to enjoy the absolute superiority in the air.
Note:Only the last of the five appearances of the scheme is presented here.
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