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7. Map + Photo.

Georgy Zhukov was recalled from the Leningrad front to take over command of the Western front on October 10.
Note:At this point the line is running on the screen: "Zhukov G.K. - see Personalia". If the student interrupts the lecture and calls for personalia, he will be able to study G. Zhukov's biography and to see his enlarged portrait.
8. Map + Photo.

Notwithstanding big losses, the Hitlerits continued to rush forward to Moscow. They seized Kalinin, Mozhaisk, and Maloyaroslavets. Fighting approached to 80-100 km off Moscow.
9. Photo.

In mid-October, government institutions, diplomatic corps, industries and population began to evacuate from Moscow.
10. Photo.

Hasty evacuation produced confusion and panic. Rumors of the plans to give up the city to the Germans were spreading in Moscow.